The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,Benha University seeks to be a distinguished faculty in the field of veterinary medicine locally, regionally and globally...


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, is committed to providing the community with a graduate capable of competing in the labor market...


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Strategic Goals: Distinguished students and graduates capable of creativity and innovation...


Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin puts Urgent Plan to Develop the Labs

Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin puts Urgent Plan to Develop the Labs

Prof. Dr. Hesham Abu El Enin, the University Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches’ Affairs said that the University is working to develop the labs of the faculties to cope with the technological and scientific progress in the world. He added that programs have been designed to train the technicians of labs on the best way to use the modern devices. 

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