The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,Benha University seeks to be a distinguished faculty in the field of veterinary medicine locally, regionally and globally...


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, is committed to providing the community with a graduate capable of competing in the labor market...


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Strategic Goals: Distinguished students and graduates capable of creativity and innovation...


The contest of the best library in Benha University

The contest of the best library in Benha University

According to the bulletin of the committee of the university library which was held in 17-5-2016 to choose the best library in Benha University. The winner will be awarded by taking 5000 l.E, The runner up will be awarded by taking 3000 l.E and the third place will be awarded by taking 2000 l.E. the visit will be in 19-3-2017.

Benha University organizes a Workshop to Discuss the Student Bylaw

Benha University organizes a Workshop to Discuss the Student Bylaw

Benha University organizes a workshop to discuss the student bylaw and presents its recommendations in the first forum that will be held from 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017 under the auspices of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of higher education and scientific research. The participants discuss the possibility to change a number of provisions of the student bylaw and its impact on the educational process. The workshop is attended by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah, the head of the projects development unit in the university and the deputy of community service and environment development in the faculty of medicine, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the university's president's chancellor of the stduents activities, prof.Dr. Moshbeh El-Kehily, the general manager of the youth care department, the representatives of the student unions in the university's faculties, the members of the youth parliament in Qulubia governorate and number of students from the different faculties in the university. 

Benha University's leaders Council Honors the Winning Students in the Young Researchers Conference

Benha University's leaders Council Honors the Winning Students in the Young Researchers Conference

Benha University leader's council honors the winning students in the sixth young researcher's conference which is held in Aswan University from 5-2-2017 to 7-2-2017. It is important to say that Benha University participates with seven researches in the fields of medicine, science, engineering, agricultural, computer and informatics. The students who participate in the conference are as following; student/ Ahmed Yasser from the faculty of science, student/ Amany Muhammad from the faculty of education, the students / Mona Red and Ayman Gamil from the faculty of agriculture, the students/ Yasser Mahmoud and Muhammad Ahmed from the faculty of engineering and student / nourhan Muhammad from the faculty of applied arts.

Benha university's awards in the student's families festival in Suez Canal

Benha university's awards in the student's families festival in Suez Canal

The students of Benha University manage to win three medals in the week of the student's families of the Egyptian universities that is held in the Sue canal university from 6-2-2017 to 10-2-2017. The student/ Ahmed Abd el-Azim from the faculty of applied arts obtains the gold medal in the religious recital contest, the student /Zeniab from the faculty of medicine obtains the silver medal in the Holy Quran contest, the football team obtains the second place by winning the silver medal and the university obtains the fourth place in the information league and the solo singing. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president attends the inauguration ceremony in the covered hall of the Suez Canal authority in the presence of prof.Dr. Ashraf El-Shihy, the minister of the higher education and scientific research, general/ Yassin Taher, the governor of Ismailia. Some students of Benha University visit Ismailia tunnel, which is considered one of the big projects, and they listen to the explanation of colonel/ Kamel El-Wazier, the head of the geometrical authority and the lieutenant general/ Mohab mamiesh, the head of Suez Canal authority.

A workshop to warn the employees against corruption

A workshop to warn the employees against corruption

Benha University organizes many workshops in its faculties to warn the employees against corruption from 18-2-2017 to 28-2-2017. These workshops are in the frame of the university's plan to fight corruption. These workshops are held under the auspices of the minister of higher education and prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-kady, the university president.

post-graduate studies

post-graduate studies

In the frame of developing the international relationships with the European research institutes, Benha University participates in the DAAD ceremony of the 10th anniversary of the Egyptian-Germen scientific cooperation on Sunday, 5-3-2017. The ceremony is attended by prof.Dr. Khalid Abd el-Ghafar, the minister of higher education, the German ambassador, Julius lawy, the secretary of parliamentary state of the German ministry of education and research, prof.Dr. Roman locashtaier, the head of the DAAD organization, prof.Dr. Mervit El-Deeb, the coordinator of the scholar council in the republic presidency and prof. Dr. Ghazy Assasa, the university president chancellor of the international relationships.

In the Presence of the Minister of Higher Education and the Minister of education, Benha University organizes the Forum of Developing the Education in Egypt

In the Presence of the Minister of Higher Education and the Minister of education, Benha University organizes the Forum of Developing the Education in Egypt

Benha University organizes, on Thursday at 10 a.m., the first forum of developing the education from 22-2-2017 to 25-2-2017. The forum is attended by the prof.Dr. Khalid Abd El-Gafer, the minister of higher education, prof.Dr. Tarek Shawky, the minister of education and general. Mahmoud Ashmawy, the Qulubia governor.
Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning according to the assessment of the supreme council of the universities at the end of the second quarter of December 2016. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammady Ghanem, the head of the E-Learning center thanks those who achieve such an accomplishment starting from prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and their vice presidents to prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT.


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