The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,Benha University seeks to be a distinguished faculty in the field of veterinary medicine locally, regionally and globally...


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, is committed to providing the community with a graduate capable of competing in the labor market...


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Strategic Goals: Distinguished students and graduates capable of creativity and innovation...



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The Inauguration of Textile Products for a Decent Life Exhibition in the Faculty of Specific Education

The Inauguration of Textile Products for a Decent Life Exhibition in the Faculty of Specific Education

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the University president, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of education and student affairs inaugurates the exhibition of textile products for a decent life that is organized by the faculty of specific education. It takes place in the benha's culture center in the presence of prof.Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, the faculty's deputies and the faculty's members.

El Gizawy interviews Candidatures for Faculty of Specific Education Deanship

El Gizawy interviews Candidatures for Faculty of Specific Education Deanship

Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University interviewed the candidatures for Faculty of Specific Education deanship in presence and membership of Dr.El Hilaly El Sherbiny, the former minister of Education, Dr. Attif Abd El Hamid, the Faculty of Music dean at Helwan University, Dr. Ragab Mijahid and Dr.Fatma Yusuf, the emeritus professor at Faculty of Specific Education.
The Committee discussed their opinions, plans, vision and the ability to make decisions and solve problems. For his part, Prof.Nasser El Gizawy confirmed that the selection of leaders is done according to their efficiency, previous performance and Experience.

Benha University announces starting Apply for Faculty of Specific Education Deanship

Benha University announces starting Apply for Faculty of Specific Education Deanship

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University and the head of Leaders Selection Committee announced starting apply for faculty of Specific Education deanship.
The committee is going to receive nominations and candidates in the period from Saturday, 2032021 till Thursday, 2532021 at the office of Mrs. Nevin Mustafa, the office manager of Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs. With our best wishes for all candidates.

Almaghrabi inspects the Exams at the Faculty of Specific Education and the Health Technical Institute

Almaghrabi inspects the Exams at the Faculty of Specific Education and the Health Technical Institute

Prof. Dr. Hussien Almaghrabi, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs has inspected the conduct of exams 2019/2020 at the Faculty of Specific Education and the Health Technical Institute. During his tour, Almaghrabi has reassured for the conduct of exams and the precautionary measures to limit the spread of novel Corona Virus "Covid-19

El Saeed opens Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education

El Saeed opens Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education

       Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President opened Coptic arts Aesthetics Exhibition at Faculty of Specific Education in presence of Dr\ Mohammed Ibrahim, the Faculty dean, deputies, the Faculty secretary and staff. Dr\ Ola Tallat said that exhibition includes more than 100 pieces of Coptic arts and it made by students of the 2nd year under supervisor of the faculty members staff and their assistants.                                                                                    


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