The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ,Benha University seeks to be a distinguished faculty in the field of veterinary medicine locally, regionally and globally...


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, is committed to providing the community with a graduate capable of competing in the labor market...


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Strategic Goals: Distinguished students and graduates capable of creativity and innovation...


The faculty’s participation in the Arab meeting of the Veterinary Medicine Deans

The faculty’s participation in the Arab meeting of the Veterinary Medicine Deans


In the frame of openness policy and Arab cooperation of Benha university, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the faculty’s dean participates in the Arab meeting of the veterinary medicine deans. In this meeting, many issues were discussed such as the international accreditation of the faculties, the cooperation with the Arab and European faculties, the updates of the field, and the Curriculums. This meeting was attended by the deans of the faculty of veterinary medicine in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, UAE and the Sudan under the supervision of the world health organization (WHO).



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