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Benha University heaps praise on the positive participation of the students in the presidential elections

Benha University heaps praise on the positive participation of the students in the presidential elections

Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the University president stresses that the university is keen to provide comfort and support to the students in the university hostels. This statement concurs with the inspection tour where he pays a visit to the university hostel in Kafr-Saad with prof.Dr. Sayed Abd EL-Waynes, the general superior of the University hostels, Mr. Rafaat Nan, the assistant general secretary of administrative affairs and prof.Dr. Awaad Allah Soliman, the general manager of the university hostels. El-Gizaway urges the students to continue participating in the presidential election 2024 heaping praise on their awareness to cast their ballots in the first and the second days of the presidential elections.

The vice president of students and educational affairs keeps an eye on students transfer to cast their ballots in the presidential elections

The vice president of students and educational affairs keeps an eye on students transfer to cast their ballots in the presidential elections

Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs participates, with the students in Moshtohor and Toukh, in the presidential elections to cast their ballots in the presence of prof.Dr. Sayed Abd EL-Waynes, the general supervisor of the university hostels and the other supervisor of the Moshtohor and Toukh hostels. Samir says that the university facilitates all the ways for its affiliates to cast their ballots. He also stresses that the students should be eager to cast their ballots, know their duties toward the homeland and believe in the importance of this constitutional right so as to be able to make their future and choose their president. It’s noteworthy that the students express their happiness for casting their ballots in the presidential elections.     

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