Veterinary Medicines and Biological Preparations Program

Program Veterinary Drugs and Biological Preparations Program (VDBPP)
Vision Leadership and excellence in veterinary pharmaceutical education and scientific research at the local, regional and global levels, and contributing to community service and advancement in this field.
Mission Providing highly qualified graduates of veterinary pharmacy education through modern scientific, practical, and applied courses and curricula. The program graduates are eligible to compete in veterinary pharmaceutical work and contribute to improving veterinary medical care and manufacturing veterinary medicine to serve the community and the country.

About Program

·         Based on the Egyptian labor market requirements, a large proportion of graduates of veterinary medical faculties occupy jobs in human and veterinary pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, this program is a new addition to the faculty mission to graduate outstanding graduates with high capabilities and skills in applying accuracy in the Study, formulation, analysis, and marketing of veterinary drugs, biological preparations, and feed additives. This is achieved through academic courses, scientific applications, and laboratory and field exercises in laboratories specialized in analyzing and studying veterinary medicines in companies, institutes, and government and private bodies.

·         The program awards a Bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine "Veterinary Medicines and Biological Preparations Excellence."

·         The program was established in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 2503 dated 20/7/2014.

·         Graduation requirements: 190 credit hours.

·         Classrooms: 2 in Pharmacology department + Faculty department halls+ Veterinary Teaching Hospital halls.

·         Lab rooms: 2 in Pharmacology department + The Central Laboratory + Departments laboratories + Veterinary teaching hospital laboratories.

·         The program actual start time: September 2014.

·         4 batches have graduated from the program, the first one in 2019.

Career Opportunities

1-      Pharmaceutical companies for the veterinary pharmaceutical industry – their research laboratories R&D, formulation and marketing scientific offices.

2-      Companies and organizations of biological preparations, Vaccines & Antisera.

3-      Companies and factories of feed additives.

4-      Veterinary research institutes and veterinary departments in the National Research Center and animal health research institutes.

5-      Academies, laboratories and farms of the armed forces and police.

6-      Veterinary diagnostic laboratories.

7-      Veterinary hospitals and animal farms, poultry, and fish.

8-      Abattoirs (slaughter houses) of animals and poultry.

9-      General Authority for Veterinary Services, which performs governmental and non-governmental services in various specialties.

10-   Zoos – clinics and laboratories.

11-   Faculty members in the faculties of veterinary medicine.

12-   Consulting services in veterinary pharmacy and veterinary medicine.

Joining and Registering Conditions

1.       Joining is allowed for those with a high school diploma (Science), or its equivalent, or transferred from the corresponding government faculties, according to the conditions set by the Supreme Council of Universities.

2.       The faculty sets the general rules for admission so that the student’s desire and the principle of equal opportunities are the basis for accepting students into credit hour programs.

3.       Graduates of the faculties of veterinary medicine, pharmacy, human medicine, nursing, science and agriculture who have a bachelor's degree in academic discipline from Egyptian universities or foreign universities approved by the Supreme Council of Universities may be accepted.

4.       International students can join according to the conditions set by the Supreme Council of Universities.

Distinct Photos of the program  

Address: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, PO Box 13736 Moshtohor, Toukh, Qalioubia, Egypt.

Tel. Number: 0020132461411 - 0020132463073

Fax: 0020132460640 - 0020132463074
















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