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The activity section in the three directions:

1 - The teaching process:

Where that section is the teaching of obstetrics and reproduction and artificial insemination for unergraduate students (Gynecology, Andrology for 4th year students, and Obstetrics and artificial insemination and embryo transfer for 5th year students. The department aims to teach the scientific content through combining the the oretical and practical in order to give students the scientific and practical skill in the field of reproduction and artificial insemination.

2 - In the field of scientific research:

Has been published numerous scientific papers in local and international scientific journals.

3 - In the field of community service:

The department actively and remarkably share in the field of community service through a number of themes as follows:
1. The department plays an important role in veterinary medical convoys that serve the community and the environment.
2. The department and follow the treatment of genital cases that come to the veterinary education hospital.
3. The department supervises and follow-up cases, genital status of the animals belongs to educational farm of the faculty .